
27 August 2012

Days 14-21

Ahh, sorry I've been forgetting to post my Photo challenges pictures for like, a week! SO here's days 14-21! 

Day 14: Favourite Shoes

Day 15: Hat

Day 16: Glasses

Day 17: Something Foreign

Day 18: In Your Bag

Day 19: Vintage

Day 20: Childhood Memory

Day 21: Camera

10 August 2012

08 August 2012

Days 3, 4 & 5

Days 3, 4 & 5 of my photo challenge :)

Day 3: Smile

Day 4: Something green

Day 5: Favourite food

04 August 2012

Days 1 & 2

(Sorry, my challenge photos may come a few days at a time!)

Day 1: Flowers

Day 2: Eyes

30 day challenge!

I have decided to do this 30 day photography challenge! Stay updated for new photos!

31 July 2012

Great White

Anyone who knows me will probably know I have a freaky obsession with sharks.. and apparently have been since I was like 4! So yeah.. here's my drawing of a Great White!

26 July 2012

The Honey and the Bee

So recently my friend showed me a song by Owl City called 'The Honey and the Bee'.. and now I'm ADDICTED TO IT! Here's the video and a lyric edit I did!

09 July 2012


I was dog-sitting these cuties a few weeks ago, loved photographing them!

01 July 2012

Red Velvet

As you may have guessed from previous posts, I love cupcakes! This time its Red Velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting!

08 June 2012


Saw these birds fluttering round in a tree, though they were quite pretty!

31 May 2012


Sorry I haven't updated in a while (because of exams and what not..) In a previous post, I posted some pictures from when I was in Spain a few months back, and here's some more from when we went to the beach! 

15 April 2012

Sagrada Familia

I was on a school trip in Barcelona a few weeks ago and we went to visit a church called La Sagrada Familia (translated Holy Family). It was designed by a Catalan architect Antonia Gaudi, some of you may have heard of him.. He died some years ago and the church was never finished, and is STILL in progress, but its beautiful!