
27 August 2012

Days 14-21

Ahh, sorry I've been forgetting to post my Photo challenges pictures for like, a week! SO here's days 14-21! 

Day 14: Favourite Shoes

Day 15: Hat

Day 16: Glasses

Day 17: Something Foreign

Day 18: In Your Bag

Day 19: Vintage

Day 20: Childhood Memory

Day 21: Camera

10 August 2012

08 August 2012

Days 3, 4 & 5

Days 3, 4 & 5 of my photo challenge :)

Day 3: Smile

Day 4: Something green

Day 5: Favourite food

04 August 2012

Days 1 & 2

(Sorry, my challenge photos may come a few days at a time!)

Day 1: Flowers

Day 2: Eyes

30 day challenge!

I have decided to do this 30 day photography challenge! Stay updated for new photos!